Sunday, October 5, 2008

Coupons and Cupcakes

OK y'all. I've become completely obsessed with coupons and freebies. Every Sunday I wake up excited because I get to see what new coupons are in the paper, and then I search through all the store ads to see what is on sale that I already have a coupon for. I've built up quite a stash over the past few weeks. I'm working on training Thanh not to buy ANYTHING without checking to see if I have a coupon for it first. Walgreen's has a monthly Super Saver catalog in their stores with some awesome rebates. OK, now I'm cracking up because my husband just called out to me from the living room and asked if I have a coupon for spaghetti sauce. Apparently, Ragu is BOGO free somewhere this week.......

My other new obsession is cupcakes. I have a dream of opening a cupcake bakery and just making pretty little things to eat all day. The only problem is, if I have them anywhere near me I can't stop eating them. I think the bakery thing is better off left as a dream, unless Thanh wants to be married to Big Bertha.

We've been spending a lot of time at the ballpark lately. Maura just started back with softball and Ben is playing tee ball for the first time. I'm looking forward to watching the tee ball games. Those little guys can be quite a hoot! The first game is this Saturday and I'm sure to have pictures to post.

1 comment:

Florida Girl said...

Hi Lana! Remember me?--it's Pam down the street. We grew up in church and you bought our white beds that time. I'm glad to know you have a blog I can stalk! haha

By the way--I would love to photograph your cupcakes anytime so you can market them when you open up that bakery!

I would also love to practice on your family so call me for sure.